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Windows 10 Taskbar Search

Windows 10 Taskbar Search

Windows 10 has a plethora of ways that you can search for files and folders and even applications. In this post, we’re going to focus on the Taskbar Search.

We are going to go over every detail of it, so you can be a master at this by the end of this blog post. So let us begin.

The Search Box

The search box itself can be put into many different looks through the taskbar menu. It can be:

Hidden: You will not see the search box, but you can still search by opening the start menu, then you simply start typing for what you would like to find.

Show search icon: you will have a little magnifying glass that you can click then begin your search.

Show search box: This will have the search box on the taskbar so you can click in it and begin searching.

There is a quick key that will allow you to open the search box, this is the Windows key + S, s stands for search, making it easy to remember.

When you first open the search box, Windows will have results in there already. It is trying to guess what you may be looking for based on what you have done in the past. So you may just find what you’re looking for from the start.

From here, you can begin to type what you’re looking for. Interesting note, when windows search is looking for something, it doesn’t just search for the file name, it will search the contents of a document, even the metadata that comes along with the content itself.

Windows is indexing the documents you create in real-time, to show this, you can create a new document called Action Hero, then type in the document, Batman. Then search for batman, click on documents on the top, it will find the file Action Hero.

That brings us to the options on the top of the search box, here are what each one of them does:

All: All will search every category that is available for the document or item you’re looking for.

Apps: this will tell the search box to only search for applications on your computer.

Documents: This will only search for documents on your computer.

Email: This will only search through your email on the computer.

Web: This will search the web for results.

More: this will open up even more options that you can work with:

                Folders: This will search for a specific folder that is on your computer.

                Music: This is going to search for music that is on your computer.

                People: This will search the people's applications on your computer.

                Photos: This will search for a specific photo on your computer.

                Settings: This will open up the settings option on your computer, Indexing, windows update, Windows features, Formating, all these we will go into more detail later on.

                Videos: This will search for a specific video on your computer.

This covers all the features of the Taskbar searching functions. There is more to it than a lot of people realize.

I hope this guide was helpful for you and you learned something new.

If you’re looking for any help with your tech, feel free to contact me, my Web site with the list of services can be found here:

Thanks and have a good day!


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