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How To Change Windows Default Sounds

 If you’re interested in how to change windows default sounds, you have come to the right place. Here we will cover everything there is to know about changing Windows default sounds.

So let’s get started.

1. Right-click on the desktop and click personalize.

2.  Then select Themes on the left.

3.  Then there will be an option for sounds.
4.  Once you click on sounds you will be greeted with a new window like below:

5.You will be greeted with all the sounds your computer makes. You can modify these sounds to whatever sounds you would like.  

You will see there is a drop-down menu that says windows defaults unless you have already modified your sound in the past, which if you’re reading this, chances are you haven’t. By default, you can only choose no sound or the windows default sounds. 

If you modify the sounds, which we will get to, you have the option to save the sound scheme as a different name. That is the save as button.  Then of course you have the delete option, to delete a scheme if you no longer want to use it. 

If we move down to the program events as pictured below:

These are all the different sounds that your computer makes depending on the event that happens, say an error or you’re calendar reminder. All these sounds can be customized to whatever sound you like.

So let’s say you select the sound Asterisk as pictured below:

Once you select the sound you want to change, you can move down to the sounds section, and there will be a drop-down list of preset options you can change that sound to.

The sounds options as pictured below:

You can select a sound from the list and you can test what the sound is by selecting it and pressing the test button and it will play the sound that is there. As pictured below:

You don’t have to stick to the default sounds on the list. You can insert any sound that you like for each event. You just have to make sure that it is in the .wav format. 

To get your sounds into .wav format would be an entire article on its own so will be out of the scope of this article. But my favorite format is Format Factory. It can change all types of file formats to other formats. 

You can also search online for free .wav files and see what is available. Many sites have .wav files available for free and you can find something you like. 

But once you have your .wav file, you then would click the browser button and go to the location of the file and select it. Then click open as pictured below:

Hit the test button to be sure that the sound is working. In my example, I used Tim Allens Arrogh for error messages. 

Once you have the sounds you like set in the theme, you would then hit save to save the theme settings that you like, like pictured below:

Then give the sound scheme a name you like. Then save. This will add this sound scheme to the drop-down list so you can come back to it later.

Then you will click apply then ok to finalize the theme sounds. 

Here is a list of the different sounds and what they change:

Asterisk: changes the sound that is made when you get an alert from the system.

Calendar Reminder: This will be the sound that is made when you have a reminder on your system.

Close Program: This has no sound by default, but you can set a sound if you close a program.

Critical Battery Alarm: This sound is made when your laptop battery is getting low.

Critical Stop: This sound is when your program fails.

Default Beep: This is the default beep for a random event.

Desktop Mail Notification: This is the sound that is made when you receive mail.

Device Connect: this is the sound that is made when you connect a USB device or headphones.

Device Disconnect: This is the sound that is made when you disconnect a device.

Device Failed to Connect: This is the sound that is made when a device fails to connect to your PC.

Exclamation: This is another error sound that is made on the PC.

Instant Message Notification: This is the sound that is made when you get a new Instant Message.

Low Battery Alarm: this is another sound that notifies you when your battery is getting low.

Maximize: this is a sound that will be played if you maximize your screen.

Menu Command: This is a sound that will be made if you change a menu item.

Menu Pop-up: This sound will be played when you a menu pop up is displayed.

Message Nudge: The sound that is played when you receive a buzz in instant messaging.

Minimize: the sound will be played when you minimize your screen.

New Fax Notification: This will play a sound when you receive a fax.

New Mail Notification: this is the sound that will be played when you receive a new email.

New Text Message Notification: this is the sound that will be played when you receive a new text message.

NFP Completion: That sound that is made when you get done transferring files to another device, using NFP.

NFP Connection: This is the sound that is made when an NFP connection is made.

Notification: This is the general sound that is made when you receive a notification.

Open Program: The sound that is made when you open a program.

Print Complete: The sound that is made when a print job is completed.

Program Error: The sound that is made when something is going wrong with a program.

Question: This is the sound that is made when the operating system has a question.

Restore Down: The sound that is made when restore is down.

Restore Up: the sound that is made when restore is up.

Select: The sound that is made when you select an item.

Show Toolbar Band: The sound that is made when you show the toolbar.


System Notification: The sound that is made when you have a new system notification.

Windows Change theme: The sound that is made when you change a theme.

Windows User Account Control: The sound that is made when you are asked permission to install a program or make changes to the PC.

As you can see, many sound settings can be made and changed on your system for sounds. Each can be customized to your likings. 

Hopefully, this was helpful in shedding some light on the different sounds you can change.

If you are looking for any Technical Support, please feel free to contact me at my website:

Have a nice day!


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